艾迪奖: Celebrating and learning from our best teachers

艾迪奖, an annual event to celebrate Duval County's leading teachers, is a time-honored tradition that has grown into its new mission to elevate the role of Jacksonville's best teachers.



Northwestern Middle School

Apryl沙克尔福德 was named the 2013 Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year at the 22nd Annual 艾迪奖. 沙克尔福德, the Lead Reading Teacher at Northwestern Middle School, was selected from five outstanding finalists.

沙克尔福德 is a former high school dropout who overcame her circumstances to earn bachelors and masters degrees. She works primarily with students who struggle in reading. While she uses her personal life experiences to inspire her students, 沙克尔福德 relies on data-driven instruction so that students know when they have reached benchmarks and when they need to review in order to reach a target. She continuously encourages her students while providing them with the skills to take charge of their own learning. 结果是, all of her students make significant gains from the time they enter and leave her class. 

沙克尔福德 is the Young Ladies Lead Advisor for a group called F.I.R.E., which stands for Fabulous Young Ladies, Innovative, Responsible and Educated. 通过这个项目, young women focus on values like honesty, 有爱心的, 尊重, responsibility and confidence. 结果是, they become strong and confident which translates not only to success in the classroom, 但在生活中. In addition, 沙克尔福德 is the Chair of the Northwestern Middle School Advisory Council (SAC).

的 艾迪奖 is a joint venture of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund and the Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership. As the Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year, 沙克尔福德 will go on to compete for the state-wide title.

的 Teacher of the Year program is more than just one day of celebration. It includes the Wells Fargo Excellence In Teaching Seminar Series, which will make the best practices and live classroom demonstration of eight outstanding 年度教师奖 accessible to all teachers in Duval County.

的 Rotary Clubs of Duval County - the organization that founded the 艾迪奖 tradition - provides individual cash awards and establishes five funds at the Jacksonville Public Education Fund for each of the finalists to use for a project at their school. For more information about 沙克尔福德 and all 162 school-level teachers of the year, go to www.eddyawardsjax.org.

"的 community is eager to support and learn from great teachers in our city,”他说, President of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund. "Apryl沙克尔福德 is an inspirational educator, and she and all of the other teachers of the year have so much insight to share."

Like every Teacher of the Year, 沙克尔福德 will join the Jacksonville Public Education Fund 董事会 as an ex-officio member for the next year until the 2014 Teacher of the Year is named.

"We are inspired by the hope, 想象力, and love of learning these teachers instill in their students each day," said Duval County Public Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti. “作为负责人, I am privileged to support their work and sincerely thank them for their tireless efforts in preparing students for lifelong learning and success."

"的 Schultz Center's mission is great teaching, every day, in every classroom. That is what we are honoring through this year's 艾迪奖," said Deborah Gianoulis Heald, President and CEO of the Schultz Center.

的 other four finalists - as well as all school-level teachers of the year - were also honored at the EDDYs, which took place at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts. 最后入围的是:

  • 斯科特Cason, history teacher at Mandarin High School
  • 卡梅伦福利, reading intervention specialist at Ramona Boulevard Elementary School
  • 布莱尔诺兰, English/language arts teacher at First Coast High School
  • 罗宾·白, reading coach at West Jacksonville Elementary School

的 finalists were chosen from 15 semi-finalists after interviews with the District Selection Committee. Teachers of the year from 162 schools were nominated, and evaluated based on their nomination packet, which included information about their professional development, classroom practices and knowledge of current educational topics.













of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.